Wednesday, December 30, 2009

See you 2009, Hello 2010

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year!

Here's wishing you and your families a wonderful Christmas and let's look forward to many splendid things to come in 2010!

I will be writing a year in review soon, so look out for it!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Inspiring Read - Bolded parts for some MiB members

This is the text of the Commencement address by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005.

I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I've ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That's it. No big deal. Just three stories.

The first story is about connecting the dots.

I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 months, but then stayed around as a drop-in for another 18 months or so before I really quit. So why did I drop out?

It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, unwed college graduate student, and she decided to put me up for adoption. She felt very strongly that I should be adopted by college graduates, so everything was all set for me to be adopted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that when I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wanted a girl. So my parents, who were on a waiting list, got a call in the middle of the night asking: "We have an unexpected baby boy; do you want him?" They said: "Of course." My biological mother later found out that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school. She refused to sign the final adoption papers. She only relented a few months later when my parents promised that I would someday go to college.

And 17 years later I did go to college. But I naively chose a college that was almost as expensive as Stanford, and all of my working-class parents' savings were being spent on my college tuition. After six months, I couldn't see the value in it. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out. And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their entire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work out OK. It was pretty scary at the time, but looking back it was one of the best decisions I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that didn't interest me, and begin dropping in on the ones that looked interesting.

It wasn't all romantic. I didn't have a dorm room, so I slept on the floor in friends' rooms, I returned coke bottles for the 5¢ deposits to buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across town every Sunday night to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krishna temple. I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by following my curiosity and intuition turned out to be priceless later on. Let me give you one example:

Reed College at that time offered perhaps the best calligraphy instruction in the country. Throughout the campus every poster, every label on every drawer, was beautifully hand calligraphed. Because I had dropped out and didn't have to take the normal classes, I decided to take a calligraphy class to learn how to do this. I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can't capture, and I found it fascinating.

None of this had even a hope of any practical application in my life. But ten years later, when we were designing the first Macintosh computer, it all came back to me. And we designed it all into the Mac. It was the first computer with beautiful typography. If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts. And since Windows just copied the Mac, its likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had never dropped out, I would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do. Of course it was impossible to connect the dots looking forward when I was in college. But it was very, very clear looking backwards ten years later.

Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

My second story is about love and loss.

I was lucky — I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz and I started Apple in my parents garage when I was 20. We worked hard, and in 10 years Apple had grown from just the two of us in a garage into a $2 billion company with over 4000 employees. We had just released our finest creation — the Macintosh — a year earlier, and I had just turned 30. And then I got fired. How can you get fired from a company you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired someone who I thought was very talented to run the company with me, and for the first year or so things went well. But then our visions of the future began to diverge and eventually we had a falling out. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out. And very publicly out. What had been the focus of my entire adult life was gone, and it was devastating.

I really didn't know what to do for a few months. I felt that I had let the previous generation of entrepreneurs down - that I had dropped the baton as it was being passed to me. I met with David Packard and Bob Noyce and tried to apologize for screwing up so badly. I was a very public failure, and I even thought about running away from the valley. But something slowly began to dawn on me — I still loved what I did. The turn of events at Apple had not changed that one bit. I had been rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over.

I didn't see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.

During the next five years, I started a company named NeXT, another company named Pixar, and fell in love with an amazing woman who would become my wife. Pixar went on to create the worlds first computer animated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the most successful animation studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of events, Apple bought NeXT, I returned to Apple, and the technology we developed at NeXT is at the heart of Apple's current renaissance. And Laurene and I have a wonderful family together.

I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if I hadn't been fired from Apple. It was awful tasting medicine, but I guess the patient needed it. Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith. I'm convinced that the only thing that kept me going was that I loved what I did. You've got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle.

My third story is about death.

When I was 17, I read a quote that went something like: "If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you'll most certainly be right." It made an impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And whenever the answer has been "No" for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.

About a year ago I was diagnosed with cancer. I had a scan at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly showed a tumor on my pancreas. I didn't even know what a pancreas was. The doctors told me this was almost certainly a type of cancer that is incurable, and that I should expect to live no longer than three to six months. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is doctor's code for prepare to die. It means to try to tell your kids everything you thought you'd have the next 10 years to tell them in just a few months. It means to make sure everything is buttoned up so that it will be as easy as possible for your family. It means to say your goodbyes.

I lived with that diagnosis all day. Later that evening I had a biopsy, where they stuck an endoscope down my throat, through my stomach and into my intestines, put a needle into my pancreas and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that when they viewed the cells under a microscope the doctors started crying because it turned out to be a very rare form of pancreatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and I'm fine now.

This was the closest I've been to facing death, and I hope its the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certainty than when death was a useful but purely intellectual concept:

No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960's, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.

Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

Thank you all very much.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Match on Sunday 13th December 2009 at 3pm

Venue: Tampines SAFRA

Meeting Time: 2pm

Team so far:
  1. Harvey
  2. Chan
  3. SK
  4. Navin KK
  5. Vana
  6. Riz
  7. Farhan
  8. Harish
  9. Zal
  10. Kumaran
  11. Kevin
  12. Prak (50 - 50)
  13. Shyam (50-50)
  14. Sat (50-50)
  15. Kevin Fren 1 (50-50)
  16. Kevin Fren 2 (50-50)
  17. Bert - no answer
  18. Maran - no answer

Price: $140 per team

Attire: Bring both tops and jersey set.

Pre-match News:

Our last match at Tampines SAFRA saw us field only 10 men, then go down to 9. Let's hope those 50-50s will be able to come for this game that should see us have some subs. I understand that it's PP's birthday and there might be some celebrations on Saturday night, but please please please remember that our game is at 3pm. Kick off is at 3pm so let's try to reach earlier and stretch a little.

On the game front we hope to have Navin KK and Kevin back. Hopefully they can provide some much-needed speed and fitness into the team. We did marvellously well to lose only 2-0 against a decent team with lots of subs, so let's take the positives from that game and continue. And hopefully we can break our duck and score at Tampines SAFRA for the first time too!

There's a pool there so if you got SAFRA card please bring along. We could go there and chill out after the game.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wrong Hole with DJ Lubel, Taryn Southern and Scott Baio

Written, directed, produced, screenplay, idea, cinematography by MRJ

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Rejections - The Female Way

10. I think of you as a brother.
(You remind me of that inbred banjo-playing geek in "Deliverance. ")

9. There's a slight difference in our ages.
(I don't want to do my dad)

8. I'm not attracted to you in 'that' way.
(You are the ugliest dork I've ever laid eyes upon.)

7. My life is too complicated right now.
(I don't want you spending the whole night or else you may hear phone calls from all the other guys I'm seeing.)

6. I've got a boyfriend
(I prefer my male cat and a half gallon of Ben and Jerry's).

5. I don't date men where I work.
(I wouldn't date you if you were in the same 'solar system', much less the same building.)

4. It's not you, it's me.
(It's you.)

3. I'm concentrating on my career.
(Even something as boring and unfulfilling as my job is better than dating you.)

2. I'm celibate.
(I've sworn off only the men like you.)

...and the number 1 rejection line given by women:

1. Let's be friends.
(I want you to stay around so I can tell you in excruciating detail about all the other men I meet. It's that male perspective thing)

this is too much a lie to accept------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------

Rejections - The Male Way.

I think of you as a sister.(You're ugly.)

9. There's a slight difference in our ages.(You're ugly.)

8. I'm not attracted to you in 'that' way.(You're ugly.)

7. My life is too complicated right now.(You're ugly.)

6. I've got a girlfriend.(You're ugly.)

5. I don't date women where I work.(You're ugly.)

4. It's not you, it's me.(You're ugly.)

3. I'm concentrating on my career.(You're ugly.)

2. I'm celibate.(You're ugly.)

...and the number 1 rejection line given by men:

1. Let's be friends.(You're sinfully ugly.)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Valiant Effort in 2-0 Defeat

Returning to the site where we lost 6-0 previously, fefore the match, MiB had potentially 17 players. Bert and Puvan pulled out leaving 15. PP and Kevin then pulled out leaving 13. And just before kick off, Shyam, Farhan and Kumaran had work commitments and could not come. So MiB started the match with 10 players, with Rooban giving motivation and instructions on the side: Harvey in goal, Riz (with flu) and Prak in front of him, SK and Harish (with flu) down the flanks, Vana, Maran, Zal and Sat in midfield, and Chan running his ass off alone upfront. The opponents had about 19 players.
There's no point going into the details of the match because as you imagined, it was defence versus attack. MiB held on firmly as the opponents tried their best to break us down. Last minute tackles, running when our legs had no more feeling and chasing lost causes was the order of the day. But MiB stood up to be counted on a day where a double digit defeat might have been accepted before the game.
We survived our fair share of escapes and to everybody's amazement almost scored when Vana broke through on goal but lifted his shot just a little too high. The opponents were getting frustrated. Just as we thought we could see it through to half time, Sat pulled up with a thigh injury, leaving us with 9 men. The opponents capitalized and a ball in from the right was clinically finished by their striker. 0-1.
At half time, MiB tried to rally ourselves and came out with 9+1 (Sat limping). But MiB showed character and spirit and should have been level. SK was at his best down the left and sent in a brilliant cross just over Maran's head. Maran retrieved the ball and fed Chan, whose shot was spilled by the keeper. The ball fell to SK in the box, he rounded the keeper but was denied by a goal-line save! Heartbreaking! To see all this happening when MiB did not even have 11 players, just try to imagine the situation.
The opponents then rained shots at the MiB goal but Harvey and the defence dealt comfortably, with a couple of minor scares. By this point, Sat had walked off the field, leaving us with 9. Rooban, who is recovering from a cyst wound near his spine, then put on Sat's kit and went to play striker. Ever seen a war movie where you know the good guy is gonna die despite being valiant? You get the picture.
But again, despite the odds being stacked higher and higher, MiB were brilliant and made the opponents look silly. We kept possession well, looked dangerous in the attack, and broke up whatever bits of attacking threat they had. Makes you wonder if we could play so well with 9, why can't we do this when we have 11. Hmmm..
Chan and Rooban had a couple of long range efforts and then MiB had an indirect free kick in the box! Chance for the equalizer! But Zal's shot just scraped the bar and it was one of those days. In stoppage time MiB got a corner! It was floated in and Rooban of all people connected sweetly with a mid air scissors kick! But the defender got in the way and the opponents survived. Off the resultant corner, Maran's kick was easily cleared and the opponents charged forward. MiB did not deal with the threat and a shot from the edge of the box eluded Harvey and it was 2-0.
With that the game came to an end.
I don't think many of us remember the last time we played 90 minutes or ran so hard. Maran and Vana were down with stitched and I am sure all of us slept like babies when we got home. A big credit to the boys who turned up and played, this kind of performance might not have been possible all those years ago. But thinking about the game, if this team could add the likes of KK, PP, Bert, Dinesh, Shyam, Farhan and Kevin, all who are fit and can play, plus Anan who can transport players to the pitch, it really makes you wonder how good we really can be.
Sigh, things to think about on a lazy Saturday afternoon..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Match on Friday, 20th November 2009 830pm

Venue: Tampines SAFRA

Meeting Time: 8pm

Team so far:
  1. Harvey
  2. Chan
  3. Zal
  4. Farhan
  5. Navin PP
  6. Riz
  7. SK
  8. Shyam
  9. Kumaran
  10. Harish
  11. Maran
  12. Kevin
  13. Sat
  14. Prak
  15. Vana
  16. Bert - yet to confirm
  17. Puvan - yet to confirm
Price: $170 per team

Attire: Bring both tops and new jersey set.

Pre-match News:
After our last match at Tampines SAFRA, where we were thumped 6-0, we return to the site of our worst defeat in 5 years for another match. I don't need to say too much because we all felt like shit after the game, so let's put things right in this game. Come on time, have a proper stretch, and let's start the game focussed. This could well be our last or second last game of 2009, so let's end the year on a proper note. Treat this like a semi or a final itself, give it your best shot with nothing to lose.

Tactical points we can discuss on the field itself so please come early so we can talk about it. Please bring the money for the match too and both sets of jerseys. It's Puvan's ROM on Saturday and he will try to come, so if he does play, let's give him a good "present" and a good feeling to take into the next day.

We owe ourselves a good performance. Weather has been good lately and the field will be no surprise. Let's have a good game.

Monday, November 16, 2009

For Sheer Madness nothing beats this game (Read below before u watch)

Egypt vs Algeria. Before the game Algeria are 3 points clear of Egypt and only need to draw to qualify for the World Cup 2010. Egypt needs to score 2 goals, and concede 0, in order for them to have IDENTICAL records with Algeria, yes IDENTICAL, same points, goals scored, goals let in, everything. Watch what happens in the 95th minute..

Plus witness the most unbiased commentary you have ever heard..

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Elizabeth Lambert

Ladies and Gentlemen, announcing MiB's new centreback..

Chelsea Vs Man U 1-0 - Guy Brushing Teeth (08.11.09) Lmao!! HQ

Did you guys catch this?? I did! And he kept doing it for every substitution!!!! Go watch the replay...

Can anyone explain??

Friday, November 6, 2009

Week 10 Fantasy League plus Manager of the Month for October

Lazy FC has set a new record and its something real special. Chances of this record being broken is extremely slim. Try getting under 10.5 points for the week and you would have broken Lazy FC's new record.

Manager of the Month-October award sponsered by manager of Die Hard 11 Fc, Pirakash.
He's kindly sponsered a bottle of Baileys - Caramel!

Top 3
1)reds82FC 137.5
2)down_under FC 113
3)LAS But Not Least 106.5

Bottom 3
1)Lazy FC 10.5
2)MIB_LFC 32
3)football4 52.5

Current League Standings
1 reds82FC 971.50 (fadli)
2 MiB FC 955.50 (anan)
3 boyz 11 880.50 (chan)
4 Villa MiB 867.00 (sat)
5 MiB10 829.50 (bert)
6 dark knight fc 822.50 (navin sim)
7 DIE HARD 11 F.C 814.50 (prak)
8 down_under FC 796.50 (dinesh)
9 LAS But Not Least 787.00 (shamwil)
10 Argentinos 776.50 (kumaran)
11 MIB_LFC 767.00 (vana)
12 Jack Jingaroo 665.00 (rooban)
13 Lazy FC 634.50 (maran)
14 mib_corporatation 546.00 (harish)
15 football4 539.00 (puvan)

Manager of the Month of October is Mr Fadli of reds82FC. He scored a total of 352.5 to overtake Anand in the standings. In view of Mr Fadli's beleifs, he has kindly donated his prize to the League Managers Association.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Sunday League Invitation: Please review and Decide.

Hi Satheesh

Thanks for your support.Hope your team would be interested.Our closing date is on 1 Nov 2009.
Currently we have 5 exising teams and 3 new team enrolled.We have only two slot available and will be on a first come first serve basis. It'll be good if you can get back to me asap.If you recommend another team to join we will waive off 50% from your teams registration fee. If your team can only start in Jan we can arrange accordingly. Season expected to end by May provided limited cancellations on your side. Area of preference will be allocated according to your request. Mostly teams usually prefer the north region.Kickoffs are mainly 3pm and sometimes 1pm(usually for artificial turf).Hope to hear from you soon.Thanks again.

*You can view our previous website @

We're still amidst launching our new improved website but maybe you can take a look for a better insight.


Hi Fellow Futbol Fanatics

Casuarina Fubol Liga has successfully completed Season 1.We are currently looking at expanding the league which consist of 7 teams to 10 teams.Currently we have 2 vacant slots at the moment.Season 2 begins ard late Mid Nov to Early Dec.Teams interested pls drop me a msg via email or at my mobile @82228124.Below are some details on the league.If you're interested and need more details feel free to contact me.

*Currently our website is going through maintainance and upgrading. We will update interested teams once the website is done up.Thank you for your understanding.

Why choose Casuarina Futbol Liga?

-The standard within the league is similar and hence healthy competition amongst the teams.Teams are chosen carefully for a well balance competition.
-This is a private league as such there's room for flexibilty(e.g late cancellation and late payment can be negotiated)
-All referees engaged are professional and experienced.(FAS APPROVED)
-Field allocation are fairly distributed according to your prefered location as much as possible.
-Limited no. of teams to ensure the season doesnt get too draggy.
-As there is only one division we cater to individual teams more appropriately.
-Cash and other material prizes are avoided as we would like all teams to be motivated by football and not the monetary gain from it.As such all teams in the league play their hearts out for passion and team improvement.Hence, fairplay and sportsmaship is upheld. All major leagues in the local arena have opted against using money as a motivating factor as it will corrupt our game and invokes undesirable competitive streak among players.
-Violent and Inappropriate conduct by teams or players are not tolerated and in such a case a fine, point deduction or even expulsion will be considered as we don't condone such behaviour.
-Flexibilty is a key. We dont emphasise on player registration and numbered jerseys as we understand as weekend team this issues can be a hassle for most teams.Unlimited substitues are allowed and as long as players wear similar coloured top there is no issue.
-Our main aim is to develop and encourage weekend fooballers and play in the right spirit of the game.To do what we all do best.TO DAZZLE AND TO DAZE.

Sunday Afternoon:1pm/3pm
Registration Deadline:01 Nov 2009
Registration fee :$100
Match Fee:$100/game (Normal)
$120/game (Artificial Turf)
Commencing:25 Oct 2009
League Limt:10 teams
Prizes Top 3:Trophy & medals
Registration fee waiver for next season.

Casuarina Futbol Liga


Fantasy Football Week 9

Week 9 will always be remembered as THE WEEK when a team in crisis fights back, after weeks of woeful performences. Coming in as the "top team of the week",and coupled with the fact that the current leader came in second last for the week, mib_corporatation is really making a fist of things now.

Top 3 of the Week
1)mib_corporatation 108 (harish)
2)DIE HARD 11 F.C 89.5 (prak)
3)MiB10 79.5 (bert)

Bottom 3 of the Week
1) MIB_LFC 47 (din)
2) MiB FC 50.5 (anan)
3) Argentinos 53 (kumaran)

GK)P. Cech 12
D) S. Ricketts 10
D) S. Bassong 3.5
D) C. Davies 0
D) T. Vermaelan 6
M) L. Bowyer 3
M) A. Lennon 9
M) D. Fletcher 0
M) M. Ballack 12
F) H. Rodallega 31.5
F) D. Drogba 21

Week 9 total 108.00

Overall Standings
Rank Team Points
1 MiB FC 875.50 (anan)
2 reds82FC 834.00 (fadli)
3 boyz 11 807.00 (chan)
4 Villa MiB 773.50 (sat)
5 MiB10 748.00 (bert)
6 MIB_LFC 735.00 (vana)
7 dark knight fc 734.50 (navin sim)
8 DIE HARD 11 F.C 733.00 (prak)
9 down_under FC 683.50 (din)
10 LAS But Not Least 680.50 (shamwil)
11 Argentinos 676.00 (kumaran)
12 Lazy FC 624.00 (maran)
13 Jack Jingaroo 577.00 (rooban)
14 football4 486.50 (puvan)
15 mib_corporatation 474.00 (harish)

This weekend will be the last for the month of October. Manager of the Month will be unveiled next week. Sponsers please step forward to offer a prize.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Words from our favorite agent, our Treasurer

Greetings Agents!

We are into the second half of WY2009-10 and it is time to deliver MIBfc’s current financial position. As it stands, MIB Fund found the resources to balance its books registering a healthy financial outstanding of $267.63. Of which $90.36 is in the reserves and $177.00 with Agents. This marks a significant improvement in our finances compared to the last report.

On greater scale Singapore’s economy has also shown tremendous recovery from its worst recession by recording has surged for a second consecutive quarter, continuing the recovery from its worst recession. Despite the growth, our economy has shrunk between 2% and 2.5% during 2009 as a whole, though this contraction was previously forecasted to be in the range of 4%-6%.

This continued recovery has been evident in the spending power of MIB Agents. Recent acquisition amongst Agents includes a brand new two-wheeler, business suits from G2000, Samsung Omnia II, KMG properties (India’s answer to Profitable Plots) and kangaroo-leather Addidas Predator boots. Well if we wait just a little longer Singtel’s mio tv and Halloween costumes will make up that list.

The current job climate is looking positive and lively for the fresh graduates. According to the Hudson Report, hiring expectation has risen across key business sectors such as Banking and Financial Services. In agreement with these findings, MIBfc are glad to announce that one of our Agents has successfully secured an IT analyst position with an American firm offering financial services. MIBfc wishes him the very best in his new career. A couple of Agents have been actively scouring around for job openings and one particular agent has been touted for a job switch. We shall wait on that and wish them all the very best.

Another sign of recovery was notable with MIBfc expensively arranged soccer matches. Not to miss the opportunity of playing under floodlights, MIBfc opted to play their recent friendly game in SAFRA turf field on a Friday night. However that experience doesn’t bring fond memories. Disclaimer: MIBfc would like to state that any disappointment coming out of the game has no connection with the hefty booking fee. Lightning doesn’t strike twice, so Agents let’s get back there to put the ghost to rest. R.I.P. Dated: 20th Nov 09.

To celebrate the economic recovery MIB Fund’s healthy financial, an Agent who had previously come out of a self imposed alcohol ban, went a step further and created history by partying non-stop for 36-hours at Club ACE! Such an amazing feat has received local media attention where our Agent was featured holding a mug of beer and looking wasted. One can only hope much of his energy levels and endurance can be rubbed onto fellow Agents during match days.

All Agents shall be notified that any match day / futsal collections will be collected and accounted for by responsible Agent/Agents. Such mode of collection will not be reflected in the MIB Fund statement of account. This decision is made taking into consideration that part of the cash generated is from non Agents. This decentralized collection will serve to ensure that the nominal fund contribution from the Agents is allocated to achieve key financial goals for MIBfc; ascertaining our MIB Fund to remain independent and exclusive to its Agents. However any excess capital arising from these events can be credited into MIB Fund and shall be recorded as Honorary Contribution.

This report serves the right to pay tribute to the return of MIBfc’s very own eccentric yet popular Agent, fondly remembered as, Abang Roy. Having gone through constant tormenting by Reds fans and their asinine mantra “You’ll never walk alone”, our disgruntled Agent took extreme measures to outcast himself from the pack. Strangely enough he deported to UK search of answers to the mantra. In the meantime MIBfc was bracing itself for the worst, resigned to losing its midfield general for good. Plans were drawn up to retire jersey numero “9” although it is difficult to identify how many Agents had their eyes on that number. It is believed that during his short stint there, Abang Roy attained enlightenment and understood that MIBfc is where he belongs. Ultimately the mantra does hold truth “Anda tidak akan pernah berjalan sendirian”… In wake of his return, MIB Fund shall reactivate his account.

To further strengthen our financial position, MIB Fund is keen to add a sponsor to its ranks. There have been talks amongst Agents to secure Tiger Balm as one of our sponsors. As Tiger Balm maybe appealing in terms of medicinal use and as “an early warning device”, our Agents might give it a serious thought. However, perennial favourites, Axe oil (minyak kapa), may have something to say about it.

Lastly with the year end approaching MIBfc is gearing up for some major events. Let us look forward to them, namely Post-Deepavali parties, Halloween, ROM, X’mas and the New Year. Before you splash that cash and be merry, set aside $10 for the monthly nominal contribution to MIB Fund starting November 09!!

Thanks and Regards


P.S. Financial reports of BPL clubs have been deliberately omitted in this report in respect of any emotional outburst from overzealous fans.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fantasy League Update (weekend 8)

Weekly Top 3
1)Villa MiB 88
2)Argentinos 84
3)reds82FC 81.5

Weekly Bottom 3
Joint 1) LAS But Not Least 18
Joint 1) Lazy FC 18
3) MIB_LFC 27

Current Standings
Rank Team Points
1 MiB FC 825.00 (anan)
2 reds82FC 760.00 (fadli)
3 boyz 11 737.00 (chan)
4 Villa MiB 719.50 (sat)
5 MIB_LFC 688.00 (vana)
6 dark knight fc 671.00 (navin sim)
7 MiB10 668.50 (bert)
8 DIE HARD 11 F.C 643.50 (prak)
9 Argentinos 623.00 (kumaran)
10 down_under FC 613.00 (dinesh)
11 LAS But Not Least 612.50 (shamwil)
12 Lazy FC 550.00 (maran)
13 Jack Jingaroo 509.00 (rooban)
14 football4 426.00 (puvan)
15 mib_corporatation 366.00 (harish)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Ever Wondered What Pirakash Would Do If You Stole His Bike?

Pirakash wrote the words on the poster on behalf of Mike.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Petronas Deepavali Ad

I see a Prak, SK, Maran and Bert in there somewhere..

Friday, October 16, 2009

WEEK 7 Review

This weeks review came in late, so I'll keep it to the bare minimum. No team of the week though. The League would like to welcome the return of manager Harish of MIB_Corporatation who had forgotten his user_id till recently, mainly because he didn't realise he had spelled corporation wrongly in both his team name and user_id.

Thanks to harish, I've been psychoticly insecure of the spelling of certain words, and have already twice used the bloody net to check on the correct spelling in the above paragraph alone!

Top 3 of the week
1) Villa Mib 97 (Sat)
2) MIB FC 87.5 (Anan)
3) dark knight fc 79.5 (Navin sim)

Bottom 3 of the week
1) mib_corporatation 20 (Harish)
2) football4 32.5 (Puvan)
3) Lazy FC 41.5 (Maran)

Latest Standings
1 MiB FC 761.00 (Anan)
2 reds82FC 678.50 (Fadli)
3 boyz 11 664.50 (Chan)
4 MIB_LFC 661.00 (Vana)
5 Villa MiB 631.50 (Sat)
6 MiB10 629.00 (Bert)
7 dark knight fc 621.00 (Navin SIM)
8 LAS But Not Least 594.50 (Shamwil)
9 DIE HARD 11 F.C 585.00 (Prak)
10 down_under FC 541.00 (Dinesh)
11 Argentinos 539.00 (Kumaran)
12 Lazy FC 532.00 (Maran)
13 Jack Jingaroo 479.00 (Rooban)
14 football4 365.50 (Puvan)
15 mib_corporatation 297.00 (Harish)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Things You Can Do When You Are High

Ride a Bike Faster Than Lance Armstrong

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Match on Friday 9th October 8.30pm

Venue: Tampines SAFRA (

Meeting Time: 8pm

Team so far: Harvey, Faizal, Farhan, Harish, Maran, Shyam, Vana, Riz, Prak, Sat, SK, Puvan, Kumaran, Rooban, Navin PP. Chandra will be there for 2nd half. Kevin and his friend are tentative. Bert no sound.

Price: $160 per team ( Usual is $180. Kevin is giving us a discount. So $10 per head)

Attire: Bring both tops and new jersey set.

Pre-match News:

So after having played on the sun for the last game, we cannot complain about the weather for this night kick off. MiB has not played under floodlights in a competitive game for as far as my memory takes me, so let's go out there and enjoy ourselves on a good pitch. It is an artificial turf but boots are recommended. Team is almost full strength with the absence of Navin KK and overseas boys. Our opponents are apparently quite good so let's test ourselves out there.

A warning to all. Please do not go and wallop dinner at 7.30pm. But don't skip your meal completely too. Ideally have a good lunch and a sandwich/burger for dinner. We can always go for dinner after that. I will try to buy a bunch of bananas for the game. Please bring your water because trust me you will get tired on a nice flat pitch where the ball rolls smoothly.

Chandra can you please pass the MiB balls to Prak or Vana one of these days? It will be good for us to have a good warm up so please be there by 8.15pm at the latest.

We are paying good money for this pitch and time slot. If we come slack and uninterested, then it will be money down the drain. Please make it worthwhile for your teammates too.

And a warm welcome back to Navin PP, who will hopefully shore up MiB's defence. At the time of writing, he has indicated that he will be coming. But we all know what he is capable of.

And finally, to those that were so grACEful in the last game, you owe us one.

See you there!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Fantasy League Weekend 6

Will keep it short this week as I've been busy.
Manager of the Month for September prize proudly sponsered by Vana.

Top 3 of the Week
1) reds82FC 142.5
2) MiB FC 140.5
3) dark knight fc 112

Bottom 4 of the Week.
1) mib_corporatation 19
2) boyz 11 73
3) Argentinos 83

Manager of the month:
Last week, we wondered if there would be enough time for someone to overtake DIEHARD 11. Just like at Old Trafford, it took a defector (this time from Utd to Pool) to score a whooping 140.5 in the final moments to overtake Pirakash by just a mere 5 points.

The Manager of the Month for September is once again MiB FC managed by Anan.
He has won himself (on his birthday) free football with MiB whenever we play in October (Meaning he doesn't have to pay for matches or Khalsa this month of October). Once again, I'd like to thank Vana for his generous donation.

Current Standings:
Rank Team Points
1 MiB FC 673.50
2 reds82FC 619.00
3 boyz 11 598.00
4 MIB_LFC 589.50
5 MiB10 574.50
6 dark knight fc 541.50
7 LAS But Not Least 537.50
8 Villa MiB 534.50
9 DIE HARD 11 F.C 516.00
10 Lazy FC 490.50
11 down_under FC 486.00
12 Argentinos 483.00
13 Jack Jingaroo 431.50
14 football4 333.00
15 mib_corporatation 277.00

Please note that prizes can't be transferred to third parties and must be claimed by prize winner himself.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

no disgrACE in 3-3 draw

There are days when the weather is cool, nice, cloudy and perfect for football. Yesterday was no such day. The sun was so bad, Maran had tan lines. And that is no exaggeration.

With one phone call and a couple of absinths, Philbert and Navin PP managed to make sure half our team for the game were in good "SPIRITS". So fair play to them.

Here was the line up in full:

Sober: Harvey, Riz, Chan, Harish, Maran, Vana, Shyam, Farhan

Not so sober: Maran, Kumaran, Sat (arrived 310pm for 3pm game), SK (arrived 345pm) and Prak

Confused: Vana's friend Damon ("guys let's just go have a beer screw the game".)

The opponents brought 200 players (rough estimate).

Game started off with our much fitter opponents running around and creating all sorts of mayhem for our defence. MiB's defence adopted a new tactic yesterday. As long as the ball is played behind you, stop, look at the ball, put up your hand and say "OFFSIDE". It will work 5 out of 10 times. When it works great, when it doesn't work, that part we haven't figured out yet.

As the game wore on, Chan, Vana and Farhan started to create some good moves and in one such move, Chan broke clear only to be tackled from behind by the defender. Stone wall penalty. Up stepped Faizal to pass it to the keeper, who passed him back. With the whole goal gaping, Faizal thought he could make it less hot by aiming for the sun. His shot almost reached it but not quite. Still 0-0.

Within the next 2 moves, MiB was down 1-0. Like I mentioned, the new defensive tactic came to the fore here. Sat (not sober) and Riz did not pick up the opponent's striker who burst through and shot straight through the middle, leaving the diving Harvey no chance. If the game had ended here, MiB would have paid and went home happy. Unfortunately, there was still 70 minutes to play.

Chan and Vana were looking lively (they did not go to ACE the night before please note), and were MiB's most threatening players. It was no surprise that they dragged MiB back into the game. With a melee in the box, Vana picked out Chan who turned and slammed in the equalizer. 1-1. Within the next 5 minutes, Vana, who at this point was playing striker, latched on to a through ball by Chan, and made it 2-1 with a solid curling shot into the top corner.

But then MiB decided to try their new tactic again. A long ball was launched between Sat (not sober) and Harish to a striker clearly in an offside position. So as expected, MiB stopped playing. A deep running midfielder obliged by running to the loose ball and saw his shot saved by Harvey, but the referee had seen Sat (not sober) apparently push him from behind. Harsh. The resultant penalty was rammed straight down the middle but Harvey only managed a weak hand at it. 2-2.

By this time Vana's friend Damon was hallucinating and swore he saw Teletubbies on the field. So MiB decided to put our most right-sided player, Pirakash (not sober), at LEFT-back. BRILLIANT MOVE OF THE DAY 1.

The game was ding-donging between both halves and Chan was unlucky not to get a penalty after the defender tried to knee his head off in mid air. The opponents made their 177th substitution at this point.

Much to everyone's surprise, MiB's no 8 was seen on the touchline (not so sober). With his first touch after coming on at right wing, his shot on goal was deflected by the defender. But the ref, who was still feeling guilty after not giving Chan his penalty despite his head hanging from his neck by now, gave a dubious penalty! Zal wanted to try again and knock out the sun, but Harvey managed to persuade him not to, and duly stepped up to convert the penalty to make it 3-2 at half time.

If any of you have watched the war movie Platoon, there is a scene where the soldiers will be lying after 3 weeks of war, faces bloodied, uniform tattered, sweaty, exhausted and faces filled with pain. That pretty much sums up MiB at half time. Chan tried his best to rally the troops, but Kumaran (not so sober) said he couldn't get the "Pote Tak" song out of his head and had to rest. Sat (not so sober) had the same feeling. Prak (not so sober) wanted to sleep already at this point but claimed that David Beckham had met him in the toilet and told him its his destiny to play in the second half. Or something along those lines. Once again, thanks Bert and Navin.

Second half started at a slow pace. No one was complaining. The weather was getting nicer too and it started to pay off as Harish and Shyam grew into the game down the right side. Chan too had plenty of chances as he fought his way into the box, but with each attempt, tried to blaze it higher than before.

The opponents too had their fare share of chances thanks to MiB's new tactic. But with SK (not so sober) now at left back, we were containing them pretty well. The longer the game wore on, the more mistakes occured. The opponents should have scored when the striker beat Sat (not so sober) easily and squared for his team mate. Harvey made the save and MiB scrambled the ball away.

Then Maran (not so sober) decided to do his community service for the year. A ball from the right was missed by everyone and fell to MiB's prolific no.11 in the 6 yard box. He would have had enough time to jog to his bag, call Bert and Navin, persuade them to go ACE, bathe and come back and score. But he decided to kick the ball so softly into the keeper's hands that a snail overtook it.

Time for BRILLIANT MOVE OF THE DAY 2. MiB got a corner with about 10 minutes to play. What do you do when you're leading 3-2 with minutes to play, absolutely shagged out, in the burning hot sun, with some players still smelling of alcohol? That's right, let's commit 8 players into the box and leave 2 of our fastest players, Riz and Sat (not so sober), in defence. So what happened? The opponents broke away within 2 seconds of our corner and it was a 2 v 1 with just Harvey left. The striker managed to poke the ball towards goal but SK (not so sober) heroically clearing the ball from under his cross bar! Game winning save!

Having failed to let the opponents score, MiB tried again, with another 2 v 1 seeing the striker selfishly kick wide instead of making Harvey look like a circus monkey.

And just when it looked like MiB had done enough to win, BRILLIANT MOVE OF THE DAY 3. With our defence aching, and Vana and Maran (not so sober) not being able to run back and defend because of an invisible forcefield, what should MiB have done at this point? Yup, you're absolutely right. We made Kumaran (not so sober), play defensive midfield. Not his fault totally because that's not his position, but like I said, BRILLIANT MOVE OF THE DAY 3.

The opponents broke through and Harvey saved the shot, but could only parry it to the striker, who smashed it into the empty net. 3-3. Game was over shortly after that. MiB was put out of its misery.

ACE next week?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

WEEK 5 Fantasy League

(Please read the previous post with regards to our plans for the weekend ahead)

And so I spoke too soon. Just last week, I was hyping up DIE HARD 11 FC (Prak) 128 points performence. This week, that record has been smashed at the very first time of asking. As a matter of fact, our Top 3 teams for the week all went above that record.

Top 3
1)dark knight fc 143 (Navin SIM)
2)Villa MiB 139 (Satheeish)
3)MIB_LFC 128.5 (Vana)

Bottom 3
1)Argentinos 47.5 (Kumaran)
2)mib_corporatation 49.5 (Harish)
3)LAS But Not Least 69 (Shamwil)

Team of the WEEK
dark knight fc (Navin SIM)
G) B. Myhill 9
D) I. Sonko 3D) T. Vermaelen 33.5
D) J. Heitinga 4.5
M) M. Carrick 0
M) Lucas 7
M) F. Fabregas 14
M) J. Milner 19.5
F) W. Rooney 12.5
F) F. Torres 25.5
F) Eduardo 14.5

Rank Team Points
1 MiB FC 533.00 (anan)
2 boyz 11 525.00 (chan)
3 MIB_LFC 504.50 (vana)
4 reds82FC 476.50 (fadli)
5 MiB10 476.00 (bert)
6 LAS But Not Least 442.50 (shamwil)
7 DIE HARD 11 F.C 435.50 (prak)
8 Villa MiB 430.50 (sat)
9 dark knight fc 429.50 (navin sim)
10 Argentinos 400.00 (kumaran)
11 Lazy FC 394.00 (maran)
12 down_under FC 392.00
13 Jack Jingaroo 346.50 (rooban)
14 mib_corporatation 258.00 (harish)
15 football4 245.00 (puvan)

This is the final week for September, so we'll be announcing the MANAGER of the MONTH for SEPTEMBER in next weeks edition. Hopefully, we'll manage to secure a sponsor in time for a prize.

There clearly is a runaway favourite to win the monthly award and it will take alot for anyone else to overhaul him and clinch it, but stranger things have happened.
Do we have time for another winner? Highly unlikely, this aint Old Trafford.
Be Champions.

Monday, September 21, 2009

MiB Calendar of Events for Upcoming Week

  1. Friday Night 25th September
    Khalsa Turf for Soccer 9.30pm to 11.30pm. For payment please contact Vana.
  2. Saturday Afternoon 26th September
    Hari Raya Lunch at Black Dyna.. I mean Rizvi's place. Probably around 1-ish. If you don't know where he leaves, don't bother to come. (There will be a long line of girls waiting to enter his house so that might be a good sign to look out for.)
  3. Sunday Afternoon 27th September
    Match at ITE Balestier 3pm. Further details to be up on the blog soon.
  4. Mirza's Baby
    We all call him our friend but we haven't even visited his first baby, and now he has his second. So instead of being so shameless, I suggest we pool money, buy them both a nice gift, and go pay them a visit. Mirza said that weekday is better for him and his wife and kids. So let's reserve a date and go visit. He stays at Bukit Panjang by the way. Keep your calendars free for Wednesday 30th Sept or Thursday 1st October evening. I will SMS n confirm soon.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Barcelona vs Atletico Madrid. Have you guys ever seen gang rape? Watch Barcelona's goals..

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Weekend 4 plus Fresh news from MiB's Academy.

Congratulations to Mirza and his wife on the Birth of their second bundle of joy, MEA. We hope to see all 4 of them real soon. We are now 9 short for WiB Jnrs and 11 short for MiB Jnrs. Lets hope Bert, Puvan and PP can soon also give our Academy more Bundles of Joy. :) Remember, first two for the parents, the third for the country and one for MiB.

This week saw impressive performances from a number of teams. football4(Puvan) had an extremely fruitful week scoring 99 points and catching up with the rivals nearest to him. Even the aptly named Lazy FC (maran) seemed to get its bum moving and keep within range of those above them. The top 3 in the league are creating a division on their own, seperated by a mere 10.5 points. Will they run away from the rest? Unlikely, esp seeing the form the Team of the Week is in.

Top 3 for the week:
1)DIE HARD 11 F.C 128
2) football4 99
3) boyz 11 86.5

Bottom 3 for the week:
1) mib_corporatation 37
2) Jack Jingaroo 44.5
3) dark knight fc 54

No prizes for guessing who is the Team Of The Week. Phenominal Performance by DIE HARD 11 FC (prak). 128 points in a single weekend of matches is by no means a small feat. It is hard to conceive that any other team would manage to break this record in a single weekend of 10 matches. What makes the acheivements of DIE HARD 11 FC soo remarkable is that they missed out on the First weekend which was worth more than 100 points since there were 16 matches that week.
Here's their team for the past week:

D) M. RICHARDS 11.00
D) G. NEVILLE 0.00
M) F. LAMPARD 13.00
M) J. RODWELL 4.50
M) Y. BENAYOUN 45.00
F) W. ROONEY 21.50
F) F. TORRES 2.50
F) D. DROGBA 20.50

The current standings are as follows:
Rank Team Points (Manager)
1 MiB FC 415.00 (Anan)
2 boyz 11 407.00 (Chan)
3 reds82FC 404.50 (Fadli)
4 MIB_LFC 376.00 (Vana)
5 MiB10 373.50 (Bert)
5 LAS But Not Least 373.50 (Shamwil)
7 Argentinos 352.50 (Kumaran)
8 DIE HARD 11 F.C 322.50 (Prak)
9 Lazy FC 308.50 (Maran)
10 down_under FC 300.50
11 Villa MiB 291.50 (Sat)
12 dark knight fc 286.50 (Navin SIM)
13 Jack Jingaroo 260.50 (Roobz)
14 mib_corporatation 208.50 (Harish)
15 football4 166.50 (Puvan)

Thursday, September 10, 2009


I am pleased to announce that we have found a sponser for our Manager of the Month Award for August! Club Jeanz have kindly sponsered us a prize to be given to the Manager of the Month for August. The winner can claim a one-time only FREE entry into Club Jeanz at Boat Quay. Just who is the Manager of the Month for August? Read on...

Before we talk about the Manager of the Month, its a new month, so new members are more than welcome to join the league. Though there is catching up to do, its better late than never!

Here's the link, do it:
League Code: 8313

And again, before we move on, I'd like to highlight the excellent post below, regarding the 'Black Dynamite - MRJ'.

Here is the latest ranking for Weekend 3.

Rank Team Points
1 MiB FC 347.50 (Anan)
2 reds82FC 322.50 (Fadli)
3 boyz 11 320.50 (Chan)
4 MIB_LFC 312.00 (Vana)
5 MiB10 300.00 (Bert)
6 LAS But Not Least 289.00 (Shamwil)
7 Argentinos 272.00 (Kumaran)
8 down_under FC 239.50
9 Lazy FC 233.00 (Maran)
10 dark knight fc 232.50 (Navin SIM)
11 Villa MiB 231.00 (Sat)
12 Jack Jingaroo 216.00 (Rooban)
13 DIE HARD 11 F.C 194.50 (Pirakash)
14 mib_corporatation 171.50 (Harish)
15 football4 67.50 (Puvan)

For the best week, here are the top scoring 3 teams and lowest scoring 3 teams:

Top 3:
1)reds82FC (Fadli) 112.5
2)MIB_LFC (Vana) 107
3)MiB FC (Anan) 98

Bottom 3:
1)mib_corporatation (Harish) 29
2)Lazy FC (Maran) 54
3)boyz 11 (Chan) 60

And Here is What You all have been waiting for....


MiB FC managed by Anan-the-rajah

-For scoring the highest number of points in the month of August. For a long while, it looked like boyz 11 (Chan) would win the Manager of the month award for August, but his team performed very disappointingly in the final weekend and that cost him the coveted award.

Anan, congratulations, you have won yourself a one-time only free entry into Club Jeanz.

Just who was in his team the final week of August?

GK: Shay Given (ManC)
Def: S. Bassong (Spurs)
Def: M. Richards (ManC)
Def: H. Beye (Villa)
Mid: L. Valencia (ManU)
Mid: L. Lucas (Pool)
Mid: L. Modric (Spurs)
Mid: R. Delap (Stoke)
Att: F. Torres (Pool)
Att: E. Adebayor (ManC)
Att: D. Drogba (Chel)

Once Again, I'd like to thank our kind sponsers and a gentle reminder to have your teams ready for the weekend by Saturday 6pm I think.

Be champions.

#Free Entry to Club Jeanz is to permit one only and is only valid till 30th September 2009.

They made a movie about Riz..


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Brilliant Lyrics I had to let everyone see.. Inspired by my dear friend..

Group X - I Just Want (Bang Bang Bang)

I just want bang bang bang,
I don't want relationship,
I just want bang bang bang,
I don't want to know your name,
I just want bang bang bang,
I don't want to meet your mom,
I just want bang bang bang,
Fresh you drive me insane when you give me that bang bang bang,

Okay Annie...
Listen, I don't want to make sex,
Eat Chocolate,Look at animals,Take walk, no.
You come home and you say "Hashmir, touch me down there, I like that.
"I dont think so Annie.
Don't have time, want to drink, cigarette, you know...
you know something Annie, I tell you what...

---------------(singing again)

I just want bang bang bang,
I don't want to talk to you,
I just want bang bang bang,
I don't want to know your name,
I just want bang bang bang,
I don't want relationship,
I just want bang bang bang,
Fresh you drive me insane when you give me that bang bang bang.


"Oh Hashmir, Hashmir you look so good in that hat.
Why dont you give me lots of kiss?"
(wrong)I don't think so Annie.
You want me to do things to you like the sun and the moon.
Idiot, I don't have time.
I have too many deamon.
All I have time for you know what?


(singing again)

I just want bang bang bang,
I don't want to talk to you,
I just want bang bang bang,
I dont want to know your name,
I just want bang bang bang,
Fresh you drive me insane when you give me that bang bang bang.

Fresh, Fresh, Fresh, Fresh,
just give me that bang bang bang.
Bang bang bang,
shes a bang bang bang,
bang bang bang,
I dont want relationship
Just give me that bang bang bang...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Pure Class

From a story of a former KKK leader who decided to quit and become a better person, this is one interview he gave where he described a black reverend who his KKK members were trying to harass and threaten and the pure class the reverend showed in response.

[OFFICIAL] Michael Jackson Dance Tribute - STOCKHOLM

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Harvey's Champions League Preview..

So the groupings are out for the first round of the Champions League and there are some intriguing clashes! After doing surprisingly well at guessing last season's Champions League contest, I am going to give it another go and see how it goes!

Group A
FC Bayern München (GER)
Juventus (ITA)
FC Girondins de Bordeaux (FRA)
Maccabi Haifa FC (ISR)

Bayern Munich and Juve will start as favourites but watch out for Bordeaux, they are a very strong attacking team and will not be easy to play at home. Bayern have stuttered losing 1 and drawing 2 of their opening 3 games, despite making 6 signings in the summer (Robben too). Juve will be interesting to watch this season as Diego is now their star man. He is a good player. If I were to stick my neck out, I will say Juve top, Bayern to edge Bordeaux into 2nd place.

Group B
Manchester United FC (ENG)
VfL Wolfsburg (GER)

I don't care what the world thinks. I actually think this is going to be a tricky group for Man U. CSKA Moscow are really tough to play at home with their artificial pitch and snowy conditions while I can tell you that Wolfsburg will cause some upsets along the way. I have started to follow German football more closely and I can tell you that Wolfsburg are like Barcelona. All out attack but their defence will be suspect. I expect them to make life tough for anyone at their home ground. Besiktas is also another tough place to go so if you're Man U, it's gonna be 3 tough away games. But I expect them to win 2 of their 3 home games at Old Trafford. Man U top, Wolfsburg a close 2nd. But it's gonna be nip and tuck all the way.

Group C
AC Milan (ITA)
Real Madrid CF (ESP)
Olympique de Marseille (FRA)
FC Zürich (SUI)

Kaka returns to his old home! Milan vs Madrid are going to be crackers and almost like watching the final itself. Marseille might cause an upset at home, but Zurich will struggle in this group. Let's face it, Real Madrid are the overwhelming favourites for this year's tournament. So i expect to see them and Milan through, but the order I am not sure who.

Group D
Atletico Madrid

Chelsea's group seems easy on paper but it's not going to be a joyride for sure. But with Ancelotti there, they should be strong in Europe. The tricky thing is that Porto and Atletico are no pushovers at home, and I expect Atletico to grab a point at Stamford Bridge too. APOEL will be there to enjoy the experience nothing more. Chelsea top. Atletico to pip Porto into 2nd.

Group E
Liverpool FC (ENG)
Olympique Lyonnais (FRA)
ACF Fiorentina (ITA)
Debreceni VSC (HUN)

What's unusual is that my team, Liverpool, seem to have an easier draw. But knowing them, they are going to make hard work of it. I expect 2 wins and a draw at Anfield, and I think we are capable of winning away at least once. Lyon will be tough at home, and Italians are never easy to play at home because they are so good at the counter attack. Still Liverpool top, Lyon 2nd.

Group F
FC Barcelona (ESP)
FC Internazionale Milano (ITA)
FC Dynamo Kyiv (UKR)
FC Rubin Kazan (RUS)

Wow another juicy pairing. I pity the other 2 teams. Barca and Inter to go through. Barca tops. Mourinho to dominate the headlines.

Group G
Sevilla FC (ESP)
Rangers FC (SCO)
VfB Stuttgart (GER)
AFC Unirea Urziceni (ROU)

Yawn. Sevilla tops. Stuttgart 2nd.

Group H
Arsenal FC (ENG)
AZ Alkmaar (NED)
Olympiacos FC (GRE)
R. Standard de Liège (BEL)

Ok time for me to get controversial. I say Arsenal has the toughest group of all the EPL teams. All their opponents are champions of their respective leagues and are very strong at home. Arsenal need to win all their home games, which again won't be easy. Watch out for AZ and Standard Liege. Both play very good football and are very physical teams. Expect many of their players to be snapped up in the future after this year's tournament. This is the hardest group to call. But if I had to choose, AZ and Standard Liege to go through, with a nail-biting finish on the last day, Arsenal to fall just short.

So there you have it folks. Think you know better? Then I challenge you to call the shots better than me!=) All the English teams have avoided the big guns for now, which can only mean one thing, some firecrackers in the next round!

Oh my goodness you guys have to see this!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Match on Sunday 30th August 2009 at 3pm

Venue: ITE Balestier

Meeting Time: 2pm

Team so far: Harvey, Riz, Maran, Sat, SK, Vana, Harry, Harish. Chan (1 half). 50-50s: Prak, Puvan. Maybes: Kumaran, Bert, Kevin (my brother) and his friend.

Price: $110 per team (Kevin (the ref) owes us a discount of $80. He is currently overseas but has faithfully been calling me to tie up this game. Sometimes even for a 30 second call. Hmmm..)

Attire: Bring both tops and new jersey set.

Pre-match News: From the look of things, we might struggle to put together 11 for the game. This game was initiated because our dear Harry Lim said he had an opponent for us so I spoke to Kevin (the ref) to book the field. But our dear Harry Lim said his opponents need to pull out last minute, so I could not back out of the game as we had already booked the whole field, unlike on any other game, where we can pull out cos we're just a team that has been booked to play. I understand that it's Ramadan time so Shyam and Farhan are doubtful. We are appreciative that people like Riz and Vana are playing and Chan is also helping us out. For those who are 50-50, please try to come so we have enough numbers. Remember it's a 3pm game so please come by 215pm to warm up and stuff.

KFC's Attempt to Get Us to Commit Suicide


I have no choice but to warn all of you... Of this terrible and so incredibly sinful new burger that can only have been created by an insane and depraved madman...

Or once-a-lifetime-genius...

I give you...

Your Partner on The Highway to Obesity and Death

  1. Two Slices of Bacon
  2. Two Slices of Cheese
  3. Smothered in Colonel Sauce.
  4. Buns 2 Chicken Patties

How the creator of this "burger" is not in jail i don't know...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fantasy Football - WEEKEND 2

First and foremost, for those who haven't signed up yet, You can still do so. Dont worry about having to catch up 100+ points. It can be done over the remaining 36 weekends. Also, you can think of this season as a learning experience so that you can be better prepared for next season where we could possibly have 20 teams if everyone signs up.

Here's the link:
League Code 8313
Do it.

As for the rest, there is no let up as 14 of us try to hunt down the league leader.


Rank Team Points
1 boyz 11 260.50 Chan
2 MiB FC 249.00 Anan
3 LAS But Not Least 221.00 Shamwil
4 reds82FC 210.00 Fadli
5 MIB_LFC 205.00 Vana
6 MiB10 204.50 Bert
7 Lazy FC 179.00 Maran
8 Argentinos 175.00 Kumaran
9 dark knight fc 172.00 Navin SIM
10 down_under FC 162.00 (WHO ARE YOU???)
11 Jack Jingaroo 145.00 Rooban
12 Villa MiB 144.00 Satheeish
13 mib_corporatation 142.50 Harish
14 DIE HARD 11 F.C 107.50 Pirakash
15 football4 0 Puvan [Work prevented him from completing his team in time]

For newcomers to Yahoo's Fantasy Football Application, you can view the weekly performance of teams by clicking on the appropriately named tab above the league table. Here are the Top 3 performers and the 3 Worst performers for the past weekend.

Top 3 Performers:
DIE HARD 11 F.C. (107.50)
boyz 11 (105.5)
LAS But Not Least (95.5)

3 Worst Performers:
football4 (0) [Work prevented him from completing his team in time]
Jack Jingaro0 (41)
Lazy FC (45)

Here's a closer look at the team that currently leads, 'boyz 11' managed by Chandra. Playing a 3-4-3 formation,
Chan scored a total of 105.50 points this week.

Player Name (Club) Points
GK: J. Jaaskalainan (BOL) 1
DEF: R. Carvalho (CHE) 10
DEF: S. Bassong (TOT) 3.5
DEF: G. Givet (BLA) 13.5
MID: F. Lampard (CHE) 6
MID: L. Cattermole (SUN) 7
MID: B. Ferguson (SHIT) 1.5
MID: L. Lucas (LIV) -1.5
ATT: W. Rooney (MANU) 28.5
ATT: D. Drogba (CHE) 22.5
ATT: D. Eduardo (ARS) 13.5

On a day when the all his strikers raked in double digit points, the star of the weekend had to be G. Givet from Blackburn. Available for just a paltry 4+ million pounds at the weekend, the defender managed to score and reward followers a very impressive 13.5 points. With the possible sale of Stephen Warnock away from Ewood Park, G. Givet promises to start most games. Unfortunately for most of us, his value now ranges in the mid 6 million mark.

This weekend will be the last weekend before August ends. Also, the following weekend will be an International Break. Thus at the end of next weekend, we'll name the Manager of the Month for August. Till then, Be Champions.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Weekend 1 of MIB Premier League 09/10

The first weekend's results. Do note that there are still 6 games left for the games of the week to be complete.

You can go in and change your team by Saturday 5-6pm for the coming weekends matches.

Those who have yet to sign up, you can still do so. Prak and someone else missed the deadline for the start and that is why they are on 0 points. Dont worry, the season is long, along the way you will catch up.

Link to sign up:
Our league Number is 8313.

We are trying to figure out which team is managed by who so please let us know which is your team by leaving a message at either the fantasy league message page or here.


Rank Team Points Managed by
1 boyz 11 115.00 Chandra
2 MiB FC 104.00 Anan
3 reds82FC 82.50 Fadli
4 Argentinos 65.50 Kumaran
5 LAS But Not Least 63.00 Shyam
6 dark knight fc 62.50 Navin SIM
7 Jack Jingaroo 61.50 Rooban
8 Villa MiB 61.00 Satheeish
9 MIB_LFC 58.00 Vana
9 down_under FC 58.00
11 mib_corporatation 57.50 Harish
12 Lazy FC 57.00 Maran
13 MiB10 55.50 Bert
14 football4 0
14 DIE HARD 11 F.C 0 Pirakash

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Smoooth as BBQ Sauce..

The Good Husband

Jack wakes up with a huge hangover after attending his company's Christmas Party. Jack is not normally a drinker, but the drinks went down easy. He didn't even remember how he got home from the party.Jack had to force himself to open his eyes,... the first thing he sees is a couple of aspirins next to a glass of water on the side table w/a single rose.

Jack sits up and sees his clothing in front of him, all clean and pressed. He looksaround the room and sees that it is in perfect order. So is the rest of the house.He takes the aspirins, cringes when he sees a huge black eye staring back at him in the bathroom mirror. Then he notices a note hanging on the corner of the mirror written in red with little hearts on it and a kiss mark from his wife in lipstick:'Honey, breakfast is on the stove, I left early to get groceries to make you your favorite dinner tonight. I love you, darling! Love, Jillian'

He stumbles to the kitchen and sure enough, there is a hot breakfast, hot coffee and the morning newspaper. His son is also at the table, eating. Jack asks, 'What happened last night?''Well, you came home after 3 A.M., drunk and out of your mind. You fell over the coffee table and broke it, and then you puked in the hallway, and got that black eye when you ran into the door.

Confused, he asked his son, 'So, why is everything in such perfect order and so clean? I have a rose, and breakfast is on the table.?'His son replies, 'Oh THAT!.. Mom dragged you to the bedroom, And when she tried to take your pants off, you screamed, "Leave me alone, I'm married!!"

Broken Coffee Table $239.99

Hot Breakfast $4.20

Two Aspirins $0.38

Saying the right thing, at the right time . . PRICELESS

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Match on Saturday 15th August 2009

Venue: ITE Balestier

Meeting Time: 4pm

Team so far: Riz, Maran, Shyam, Farhan, Sat, SK, Vana, KK, Harry, Prak, Kumaran. Bert and Harvey 50-50. Munshi on standby if Harvey is out.

Price: $110 per team (Kevin is charging us $80. Discount cos the last time the team pulled out last min)

Attire: Bring both tops and new jersey set.

Pre-match News: It's been a long time since MiB played a field game. After the good rest and relax of Batam, we are back to get a good workout again. Harry is back in the line up but Puvan and Chan are out. Please be punctual for warm up. Sat is coordinating the line up so please contact him if you can't make it last minute. See you there!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Fantasy Football 09/10

You remember the days we used to sit down after school in SJI and organise fantasy football leagues and bid for the best players?

Its time for us to do it proper once and for all. Join MiB's Official Fantasy League 09/10. It's FREE. All you have to do is click on the link and sign up a Yahoo account(if you dont already have) and create a team. After creating a team, remember to click on the link to join our private league 'MiB Premier League 09/10'.

The Private league code is #8313.
The name is 'MiB Premier League 09/10'
The password is the 6-lettered name of our MiB agent whom, in his teens, used to be called Solar Power. He currently resides in Melbourne, and has vetted interest on the Hong Kong Economy.

Maran/Bert, please pass the info to those who usually take part in the fantasy league (farhan,shyam,fadli).

Click on the link to sign up!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Batam Trip 2009 Essentials

Ok guys this is the definitive list that will prepare us for the Batam Trip. Please take note of all details and on your part take responsibility and do what you have to.

1. Rooming List

Harpreet - Puvan

Rizvi - KK

Harry - Sat

Chan - Prak

Bert - Mogan

SK - Rooban

Maran - Kumaran

If you want to swap, please do it internally and make sure the respective partners knows what's going on. Eg. If SK wants to room with Kumaran, please inform Rooban and Maran too.

2. Ferry Timing

Group 1 (AM group): Group IC: Rizvi
Ferry leaves 1050am sharp. I suggest meet 0930 Hrs at Harbourfront. This is crucial as you need time to buy duty free alcohol and what not. If you are late, that's your own problem.

Ferry will reach Batam 1050 Batam time (Batam is one hour behind). Your van pick up to the resort will come at 1230pm. That leaves you time to have lunch, do a bit of shopping at the mall there, and also buy Coke, Mineral Water etc..

Group 2 (PM group): Group IC: Harvey
Ferry leaves at 710pm. I aim to clear immigration at 630pm so that leaves us half an hour to buy duty free. I understand that some are coming after work so please take note of how early you need to leave.

Ferry will reach Batam at 710pm. Pick up is at 8pm so we have time to pack dinner, go back resort and eat.

On your part, can you SMS the Group IC and confirm which group you are going with. Also, some of you have not paid the taxes, which is $28 per person. So please bring this amount in loose change to pay. For those who have paid, your IC already has your cash.

3. Money

This is entirely up to you. But as a rule of thumb, bring about $50 in Singapore dollars. This is emergency cash. Change about $100 to Indonesian Rupiah. The rate now is about $1 to 6800 Rupiah. You can change at the Batam ferry terminal itself when you reach. So if you can't change in Singapore, do it there. Finally, bring about $50 (or debit card) for duty free shopping. The rest is entirely up to you.

4. Drinks

I suggest 2 bottles for every 3 people. So as we have 1 non-drinker, that leaves 13. So 10 bottles will be more than enough. What you want to buy to drink is your choice, but there will be some offers at the duty free itself so look out for that.

On a side note, those going in the AM group, can you please confirm with me what time the duty free shop closes at the Singapore side. For the currency exchange rate counter at Batam as well. Drop me an SMS.

5. Packing List

Again, it's entirely up to you what you want to bring. Jeans and shoes are not necessary.

a. slippers
b. underwear
c. 1 beach shorts
d. 1 berms to wear throughout
e. 3 tops
f. toiletries - gel, contact lens, spectacles, cologne, shaver etc..
g. sunglasses
h. sunblock
i. passport
j. wallet

6. Games

Can somebody ensure the following things are brought?

a. Cards
b. Camera (I will bring)
c. Music (Prak have you transferred the songs? Who has a HiFi system please bring.)
d. Games - Taboo? Risk? I'm the Boss? Anti-Monopoly?

Prak can I leave you in charge of the entertainment portion?

So yes guys, that's it. See you Friday at your respective times. Get ready to have some serious fun!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Match on Sunday 2nd August 2009, 5pm

Venue: ITE Balestier

Meeting Time: 4pm (Very Important to stick to this.)

Team so far: Harvey, Riz, Maran, Shyam, Farhan, Sat, SK, Vana, Puvan, KK, Harry, Bert. Rooban will come on as a cameo like last time. Prak is 50-50.

Price: $110 per team

Attire: Bring both tops and new jersey set.

Pre-match News: After a good win over Club De Bishan, MiB FC returns to the playing field after a break of 3 weeks. It is also the match before the Batam trip, so hope to see you guys there. We will also discuss some essentials for the trip, so please come. Important to reach by 4pm as the game will kick off at 5pm SHARP. As there is no game before that, important for us to warm up like we have been doing in the last 2 games. Chan is not around so Sat and Vana can lead the warm up. See you there!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Simpsonize Me


Go try it out... and email me your results if you want me to put it up...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

09/10 Season Preview

24 more days to the kickoff of the 09/10 BPL Season.
Thats just 4 more weekends.

We are interested in receiving your thoughts regarding the upcoming season via e-mail. Please send me your e-mails and I will consolidate and present to you all the findings of who thinks what, who said what, etc. Use as much joyful banter as you can whip up, and I will share them with the rest on our blog here.

Your e-mail could include answers to the following questions...

-Regarding BPL...
Will we have a new Champion?
Will the big 4's hold on Champions League Qualification places be broken?
Who will be the best of the rest?
How many matches will it take this season, for spurs to be better than a toothpick?
Who,(other than birmingham), are in for a turbulant season ultimately ending with the heartbreak of relegation?

-Regarding Players...
Who do you reckon has what it takes to be signing of the season?
Who do you believe is going to be the player who makes a name for himself (much like Steven Ireland last season)?

-And What about Europe...
Real Madrid, what can they acheive this season?
Will Barca's domination of European football continue?

PLEASE SEND ALL YOUR EMAILS TO by AUGUST the 3rd (tues). I want to have the post up before we leave for our holiday.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Time Has Come..

The time has come for a group of brothers to meet, explore the boundaries of their nation, share their life stories with each other, encourage, build each other up, motivate, provide sound fellowship, eat healthy food, take a good rest and build bonds of brotherhood..

But that time time CAN WAIT afterrrrrrrrrrr.......

Drunken revelry, humiliation, rugby tackles, one hand push ups, kuppeh dancing, KFC indulging, donut dipping, happy ending(s), guest appearances by Jonnie, Jim, Jack and maybe even Robert at MiB's 2nd Trip to Batam!!!!!!!!!!!

With the coming long weekend for National Day (9th is a Sunday so off till 10th), it is the perfect time to get away. We plan to leave on Friday evening and return on Sunday evening. That way you do not need to take leave, yes 0 days of leave needed, plus you can come back on Sunday, rest on Monday and even spend time with your girlfriend and family and even your dogs.

Yes boys, it's a time to switch off and totally relax and we indulge ourselves in a trip where memories will be made!

Here are the details:

Day 1(Friday):

ETD: 7pm (This is open to ammendment. Please read after the itinerary)
ETA Batam: 8pm

Dinner: KFC + Pizza at Ferry Terminal.. (Riz will tapao 50 donuts to last him for day 2)

ETA Purajaya Resort: 10pm (Settle down, let's go walk walk and have a drink etc..)

Day 2 (Saturday)

9am: Breakfast (Whack so we skip lunch)

10am: Start beach plans

3pm: End beach plans

4pm: Head for massage. (good clean one. riz will go er.. elsewhere)

6pm - 7pm: Shopping

730pm: Seafood dinner

10pm: Reach hotel. Time for 1-hand push ups and rugby tackles.

Day 3 (Sunday)

9am: Try to wake up

10am: Wake up

12pm: Check out

1pm: Reach ferry terminal (Shopping + KFC + Pizza hut. Riz will buy 50 donuts to last him for ferry home)

ETD: 6pm
ETA Singapore: 730pm (Home sweet home)

$153 (inclusive of 2 nights stay at Purajaya Beach Resort, breakfasts everyday, transport to and fro Batam, transport to and fro ferry terminal at Batam, 1 free massage, and taxes). This is a super good deal. We paid $151 the last time without a free massage.

Estimated to cost about $5-10 per meal, and transport in Batam about $30 total. The rest is for your shopping (leather goods, polo ralph lauren shirts, perfumes etc..), your "vitamin juice" and for "aerobics" Rizvi-style!)

So I can say $300 will cover everything and ensure you have a time to remember!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you want a trip where you can sight-see and travel, then this trip is not for you. If you want to totally leave your brain in Singapore, eat 6 pieces of KFC (they cost $1 a piece), eat 30 donuts with jam (they are half the price) and see your friends dancing with their t shirts on their heads, then this IS FOR YOUUUUUUUUUU!!!

So please take your time to think and decide if you want to go. Check with your girlfriend, mother, father, uncle, aunty, dog, boss and civil defence if necessary.

We will be going down to book the tickets and confirm next Wednesday 22nd July 2009 at 7pm at Chinatown. Mark it down in your calendars and be there!

As mentioned earlier, we plan to leave on Friday evening so we don't have to escape work. I am thinking since it's National Day weekend, by Friday 4pm everywhere will be in celebration mood and so no point taking leave. Riz and Prak however want to go there on Friday morning itself. Which is not a bad idea cos we start to pay for the hotel from 12pm on Friday. So might as well utilize maximum. So the choice is entirely yours and you don't have to confirm this until the day of your departure cos the ferries go there every one hour so it's own time own target. But we should consolidate maybe 2 parties (horny early birds, and evening group) so we can tell the resort to come pick us up.

So please decide and SMS me by Sunday 19th July 2359Hrs if you want to go. Thank you.

The reason why Man Utd lost in Rome...

A contribution by Agent SK who was investigating the sudden turnaround in fortunes for Man Utd in the Champions League this year..

This is why they lost..